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In Mexico there is a 30 percent VAT on luxury items, and a 15 percent flat tax on all income over $15,000 USD a year. And that is pretty much it. The rest comes from state owned enterprises such as PEMEX, which pumps the oil out of the ground for virtually free, and then charges American prices for gas. This excess money then goes into the state system, which provides medical care and even better - subsidizes residential electrical and water bills almost entirely. In Mexico your utility bill will say something like "Cost of production - $110, subsidy $85, you pay $25. And that subsidy money comes from PEMEX. So in Mexico, natural resources are used to benefit the people, and it makes life possible for the very poor because critical services are virtually free. Interesting it is that when Mexico refused to sell Pemex to the Rothchilds a few months ago, the Pemex headquarters got bombed by "terrorists". But the government here did not roll over. - See more at: